Where to go
Talsi region fascinates and attracts travellers with its breathtaking and affecting nature. There you can hike or go by bicycle in the area of Nature park of Talsi hillock with a distinctly hilly terrain and several small but deep lakes and picturesquare trails included scenic Talsi town with the 9 hills. Let the boundless blue scenery of the Baltic sea coast at North Courland and Kolka cape invite you for exciting adventure and unforgetable rest. Discover a completely different nature and more than 9000 years old nature evidences in Slītere national park, White dune (in Latvian: Pūrciema kāpa) and protected nature area Kaltene coastal formations. Explore Nature park of Abava river primevalley with the panoramic views and Abava river rapids. You can observe activities of birds from the watching towers: at Kolka, Mērsrags and the Engure lake. In autumn you can pick healthy blueberries, lingonberries, and mushrooms growing by the trails everywhere.

Sasmakas (Valdemārpils) Idol Lime-Tree
Sasmakas (Valdemārpils) Idol Lime-Tree

Pēterezers nature trail
Pēterezers nature trail

The nature trail “Kaltenes kalvas”
Slītere National Park
Slītere National Park

Akmeņkalni Devils Foot secular stone

Šlītere Insects trail
Šlītere Insects trail

Birdwatching tower at Kolka
Birdwatching tower at Kolka

Ventkalni Cup Marked Stone

Ēvaži nature trail and steep bank
Ēvaži nature trail and steep bank

Virsaiši Waterfall

Viewing tower on the edge of Šlītere Blue hills
Viewing tower on the edge of Šlītere Blue hills

The bird watching tower in Mērsrags

Nature park LAUMAS

View of the Usma Lake from the Viewing Tower in Ūdrukalns

Bilavas ship setting or “Devils boat”
Bilavas ship setting or “Devils boat”

Šlītere nature trail
Šlītere nature trail

The Nature Park “Talsi Hillocks”

Sabile Wine Hill

Recreational area Rīti

The Nature Trail of the Roja River
The Nature Trail of the Roja River

Waterfall on Abava River
Waterfall on Abava River

Kaltene’s rocky coastline

Pine nature trail
Pine nature trail

Kaļķupe river valley and Puiškalns hill

The Great Stone of Roja Sea
Former narrow gauge railway nature trail
Former narrow gauge railway nature trail

The Tilgaļi (Vandzene, Kraujas) Giant Boulder