From the tower, you have a clear view of both the vast coastal meadows and the wild grasslands grazed by domesticated cattle, which are much richer in plant species. The best time for bird watching is early morning or late evening when the sun is not too hot, and birds feed on insects. However, you may also observe hunting sea eagles during the day. A magnificent sight is when birds spread their wings to warm up or try to attract the attention of the opposite sex, as well as communicate with their species’ siblings. However, it is best to observe birds during the dry season: from April to July when birds build nests and raise their chicks for daily life. Mērsrags, situated near the open sea, is an excellent place for water bird watching, as many migratory birds, songbirds, birds of prey, and others gather here. During the active bird migration in spring, you can encounter almost all bird species found in Latvia. The coastal waters are an important feeding area for migratory and wintering waterbirds. In autumn, there are fewer birds of prey but more migratory and wading birds, ducks, and waders that prefer wetlands and coastal areas.