Where to go

The Tilgaļi Vandzene, Kraujas Giant Boulder
Vandzenes Great Stone (also Krauju, Tilgaļu) – a cult site – is located in the north-eastern part of Vandzene Parish, on the right hand side of the Vandzene–Valdemārpils road, about 120 m south-west of the present Kalni Cemetery. According to legend, there was once a farm called Tilgaļi near the stone and apparently also a church by the same name. About 20 m from the stone there grew a large lime tree, and once, when the surrounding area was ploughed up, charcoal was
seen. The stone is also a natural monument, and although pieces from the top and sides were once split off to be used as building material, it remains Latvia’s fourth largest boulder (girth: 26 m; exposed volume: 80 m3).