Kuhu minna

Skaidrīte Elksnīte 1929-2002 I
Recollection of Talsi. 1981
Collection of the Talsi District Museum
One of the best known Latvian artists. Studied art by Talsi painter Ž. Sūniņš. Graduated from the Department of Painting of the Art Academyof Latvia (1965). Her paintings mainly deal with landscapes of small towns in Kurzeme, she became popular with figural compositions (on subjects from Roma life), portraits of her contemporaries and a rich Kurzeme colour scheme: red, violet, orange. Took part in exhibitions of Talsi District artists’ works also with Talsi landscapes.
Aldis Kļaviņš „Liepājas māksla gadsimtu vējos. Glezniecība”. Liepājas Kultūras pārvalde, 2008 Liene Bernāte „Skaidrīte Elksnīte. Monogrāfija”. Liepāja, Poligrāfijas centrs, 2010