Kuhu minna

Inārs Helmūts 1934 II
Talsi – the Town on Hillocks 1966
Collection of the Talsi District Museum
One of the most outstanding Latvian graphic artists. Graduated from the Department of Graphic Art at the Art Academy of Latvia (1963), participant and laureate of many international exhibitions of graphic art. Worked in graphics art, book and graphic design, uses different graphics techniques: linocut, screenprint, lithography, aquatint, and most of all etching. Linocut was made in 1966, inspired by the time spent in Talsi during summer practice of the Art Academy in the late 1950s.
„Latviešu padomju stājgrafika”. Rīga, Liesma, 1982 Anita Vanaga
„Latvijas grafika. 100 autori, attēli, gadi”. Nacionālais apgāds, Rīga, 2003