Kuhu minna

Rūta Opmane 1938 I
Talsi in Spring. 1988
Collection of the Talsi District Museum
One of the best known Latvian graphic artists of the second half of the 20th century, graduated from the Department of Graphic Art of the Art Academy of Latvia ( 1963 ). Works in graphic art, graphic design, makes bookplates. In the 1970-80s often took part in plein-airs organised by the Artists Union of Latvia in different cities of Latvia; several popular lithographs of Talsi landscapes also were made there.
“Latviešu padomju stājgrafika”.
Rīga, Liesma, 1982 “Māksla un arhitektūra biogrāfijās”, II. Rīga, “Latvijas enciklopēdija”, 1996