Kuhu minna
Ritma Lagzdiņa 1945
Talsi. 1988
Collection of the Talsi District Museum
Graphic artist known in Talsi District and Latvia, long-time pedagogue in Talsi Art School. Graduated from the Department of Graphic Art at the Art Academy of Latvia. Works in etching and pastel drawing, makes realistic depictions of Latvian nature and people engaged in various rural activities. Her works have been exhibited in Greece, the Netherlands, Estonia, Russia, Lithuania, Sweden, Denmark, Bulgaria. Member of the Artists Union ofLatvia(since 1975 ).
Talsu mākslinieki. 2000-2005. Talsu novada muzejs, 2006. Jelgavai azotē. Jelgavas mākslinieki 40 gados. Rīga, Mansards, 2010