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Jēkabs Spriņģis 1907-2004
Talsi. 1942
An outstanding Latvian painter. Lived in Talsi from 1936 to 1980, worked as a teacher of drawing, drafting and art history in Talsi schools. Graduated from the Ģ. Eliass Painting Masterclass of the Art Academy of Latvia (1936). Painted figural compositions, landscapes, still lifes, towards the end of his life – abstractions. Exhibited his work in many countries, especially his watercolours. Since 1995, took part in the exhibitions of Talsi Artists Group in Latvia and abroad. His works are held in the collections of many museums in Latvia and the former USSR.
“Latviešu mūsdienu akvarelis”. Rīga, 1984
“Talsu mākslinieki. 2000-2005”, Talsu novada muzejs, 2006
“Jēkabs Spriņģis. Glezniecība. Talsu novada muzeja mākslas kolekcija”. Talsu novada muzejs, 2002