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Arnis Zupiņš  Ieliņa vecajos Talsos. 1985

Arnis Zupiņš 1926-2002

The Street in the Old Talsi. 1986

One of the most popular Talsi artists. Graduated from the Art Academy of Latvia with the qualification of theatre decorator (1953), worked as stage painter in theatres ofRigaand other cities, as well as in Talsi People’s Theatre. Mostly painted landscapes in oil, applying the principles of stage painting – coulisse-like composition, strict division of planes and somewhat geometrised fields of colour; his colours – mostly warm green, using strontium yellow pigment.

„Talsu mākslinieki”. Talsu novadpētniecības un mākslas muzejs, 1984 „Arnis Zupiņš. Gleznas”. Talsu novadpētniecības un mākslas muzejs, 1983