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Blog Archives
Viesu nams “Lēveri”
Viesu nams „Lēveri” ir ekoloģiska piecu istabu guļbūve, kas atrodas klusā meža ielokā netālu no jūras. Viesu ērtībām – mūsdienu prasībām atbilstoša virtuve un vannasistaba. Papildus ērtības – burbuļvanna, kamīns ar malku, veļasmašīna.
Naktsmītnē ir pieejama bezmaksas velosipēdu noma. Uz vietas ir īpaši iekārtota grila zona. Par papildmaksu ir iespējams izmantot pirti un karsto kublu.
Viesu nama teritorijā atrodas 2 dīķi, ugunskura vieta, grils, lauku pirts un kubuls.
Siltais āra kubuls, bez laika ierobežojuma: 70,00 EUR
Viens pirts vakars + kubuls, bez laika ierobežojuma: 110,00 EUR
Floating sauna OGLE
Floating sauna OGLE ir no dabīgiem materiāliem celta peldošā pirtiņa ezera vidū ar iespēju palikt pa nakti. OGLE atrodas privāta ezera vidū, lai cilvēkiem būtu iespēja saplūst ar dabu. Papildus tiek piedāvāts arī pirts rituālus, lai cilvēki pilnībā spētu atpūsties un uzkrāt spēkus. OGLE ir pārdomāta tā, lai arī rudenī un ziemā būtu iespējams to apdzīvot.
OGLE ir kompakta, taču ļoti ērta. Vislabāk uz tās jutīsies divi cilvēki. Gulta ir transformējama un no vienvietīgas pārtop par divvietīgu. Drēgnākos vakaros pēc pirts apmeklējuma var turpināt krāsniņu kurināt, tādējādi saglabājot siltumu.
TIL Rezidence
TIL stands for Today I Learned. It is commonly used on social media to introduce something interesting and unexpected.
Tilia cordata translates from Latin as hearted linden. Its range extends from Britain through mainland Europe to the Caucasus and western Asia. The biggest and the oldest linden in the Baltics – Elku Liepa – happens to grow just a few metres away from the residency, giving its heartfelt blessing and inspiration.
The residency was established to provide artists and creatives with a space for calm concentration and creativity in the increasingly unpredictable and ever-changing world.
TIL is located in a historic building in the picturesque Western Latvian town of Valdemarpils. Surrounded by century-old linden trees, serene lakes and lush fields, TIL is the perfect place to find inspiration and let your thoughts flow freely, shaping new bold ideas. Here storks nest along the roads running along abundant orchards and houses that remember generations upon generations of people who lived, created, worked and dreamt, protected by the stone walls. This intersection of the Latvian heartland and the coast is both hidden from the troubles of the outer world and open to its endless possibilities. We believe it to be the perfect place for new ideas and projects to emerge and flourish.
With such an environment in mind, we envisioned TIL as a platform to connect local and global, experiment and tradition, to bring together the many manners of contemporary art, to be that crossroads of ideas, where visionary cultural projects may come to life. The residency programme is tailored to help our guests develop their work, to provide guidance, to stimulate sharing of knowledge. We also aim at bringing contemporary culture into the local context by hosting a range of lectures, workshops, readings and exhibitions.
TIL’s mission is to provide a peaceful and supportive environment for artists, non-artists, curators, educators, thinkers, writers and creatives of all kinds to nurture their ideas. We welcome applicants from all over the world and at different stages of their careers. A panel of renowned professionals from various creative industries selects participants through open calls.
TIL provides residents with private rooms and full access to all site amenities, including studio spaces, workshops, the library, garden, and communal kitchen. The site offers everything residents need to live comfortably and work creatively.
Viesu nams, kempings Laumas
Aicinām izbaudīt viesmīlību un omulību viesu nama Laumiņu valstībā!
Plaša kamīnzāle ar parka dabas skatiem aiz lielajiem logiem ir lieliska vieta dažādiem pasākumiem līdz 80 viesiem. Laumiņas sarūpēs latvisku, gardu maltīti svinībām, retrītiem, semināriem, nometnēm un citiem kopā sanākšanas mirkļiem.
Divpadsmit mājīgas Laumiņu istabas vienmēr gatavas uzņemt gan pasākumu viesus, gan nogurušus ceļiniekus. Viesu rīcībā ērta viesistaba – virtuve kopīgām maltītēm un draudzīgai pasēdēšanai.
Nakts atpūtai piedāvājam arī kempinga namiņus, brīvdienu māju ar pirti un telšu vietas.