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Dundaga Axe and Archery
Friendly competition between teams, team building activities, individual training.
Everybody is welcome, new persons who are interested in the sport as well as amateurs and professionals who want to hone their skills.
Archery Club. Teach recurve bow shooting with a fun competition afterwards.
Axe throwing. Learn axe throwing with a fun competition afterwards.
Prices start from 12,00 € per person /1h.
Special prices for groups starting with 4 persons.
Archery Tag game. Groups starting from 6 people 20 € / person, discount for groups over 10 people.
Team building activities.
Children’s trampoline.
Axe throwing according to house rules or according to the Worl Axe throwing League rules (WATL). Children must be accompanied by adults.
Instructions in English, Dutch, German, French and Latvian.
Instructions in English, Dutch, German, French and Latvian.
The visit must be booked in advance.