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Dundaga Baptist Church


Since the founding of the Baptist congregation in 1867, the Dundaga Baptist Church had not had its own church building. The congregation initially gathered at Makevica’s house in Nabagleja (now Dakterleja), then at the houses of Oši and Biši, and on major holidays, they would meet in a castle or the Lutheran church.

The construction of a church became a century-long dream, and it became a special mission when the pastor Haralds Anzenavs was called to Dundaga. In 1992, the congregation requested the local government to allocate a 0.3-hectare plot of land for the construction of the church, situated at the intersection of Talsu – Pāces street, part of the state-owned railway land. The municipality approved the request, and architect Aivars Lācis, under the guidance of Haralds Anzenavs, outlined the plans for the church in drawings. The building project was approved during Christmas of 1993, and on July 1st, the foundation stone was consecrated by Bishop Jānis Eisāns of the Latvian Baptist Union.

The construction took almost three years, culminating in the official opening of the church on October 8, 1995, followed by the consecration service on December 10.

Work continued at the far end of the building, and the commission officially accepted the building for use on December 23, 1996.