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Valdemārpils Sailboat
Across from the Lutheran church on Talsu-Street, a roundabout was constructed with a sculptural ship at its centre. Its tall mast with a raised sail serves as a reminder of the remarkable Latvian man Krišjānis Valdemārs, the founder of the first Latvian maritime school. As a settlement, Sasmaka was first mentioned in historical documents in 1582. However, for centuries before that, a small settlement of fishermen, craftsmen, and traders was located in this area. The establishment of this settlement was facilitated by the opportunity for coastal fishermen to maintain trade relations with coastal residents, using the navigable lake outflow – the Mazroja River, which, in turn, flows into the Roja River, contributing to the trade connections of local residents not only with the small ports of the Gulf of Riga but also with Riga itself and even foreign countries. Every summer, the sailboat is beautifully adorned with flowers grown by local entrepreneurs, giving it a majestic appearance. In winter, it sparkles with countless lights, creating a festive atmosphere in the city centre. The flag at the mast bearing the year ‘2014’ indicates the year of the inauguration of the sailboat.