Where to go

Mill hill
Dzirnavkalns (Mill hill) in the past also called Sudmalkalns is located at the southern end of Vilkmuiža lake. It is believed to be a cult place for ancient Couronians where the Livonian Order built a stone castle in the beginning of 15th century. Last time it was mentioned in chronicles was 1636. In mid-nineteenth century baron Heiking built a residence where the castle once stood and created a park with footpaths and trees. By 1857 a wealthy Jewish merchant built Dutch type windmill that was called by local people Vilkmuiža or Devil’s windmill. The windmill was still running during 1st World war and was burned down around 1922.
From Dzirnavkalns one can see Vilkmuiža lake, market square, a district of private houses built around the 1950ies-1960ies and Talsi ice-hockey hall. Walking down the old cobbled Kalnu street one can get to Ezera square where the well-known Dižmāra fair is held. A memorial site “A ring of life, a shadow of death” (by sculptor Ojārs Arvīds Feldbergs) is made there to commemorate the victims of 28th June 1997 tragedy in Talsi. Youth and those who like active recreation are welcomed to test their skill and courage in the skate park “9 hills”.