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Disku golfs

Sabile Disc Golf Course Graviņas


If you want to spend your free time actively – alone, with friends, or with family – head to the Sabile Disc Golf Course “Graviņas” to try disc golf. There are no age or player number restrictions for this game.

You don’t need to sign up or wait for official competitions, and there is no charge for using the course. For now, you only need your own disc golf disc (at least one per player), familiarize yourself with the game rules, and head outdoors in weather-appropriate clothing. The game starts at the first basket’s starting zone, where the throw description and rules are displayed. After that, follow the signs to the next basket. During the game, you need to complete the whole loop from basket 1 to basket 9. The winner is the one who sinks the disc into all the baskets with the fewest throws.

The maintenance and improvement of the course is managed by the Sabile Sports Center and local, active disc golfers.

Course maintainers ask that you keep the area tidy and be gentle with the provided equipment and the surrounding environment, following the principle: “Take with you what you bring.”