Where to go

Jānis Andris Osis 1943
Street in Talsi. 1986
Collection of the Talsi District Museum
Painter and interior designer, head of Department of Environmental Art at the Art Academy of Latvia, professor, was long-time rector of theArtAcademy (1997-2007). In the 1950s was a member of drawing society lead by J. Spriņģis at the Talsi 2nd Seven-year School. Graduated from the Department of Interior and Furhnishings at the Art Academy of Latvia (1971). He paints landscapes, portraits, worked in monumental decorative painting, uses assemblage and various textures on the painting surface. Recently he has made optical and spatial paintings. Regularly organises personal exhibitions in the Talsi Museum, takes part in the exhibitions of district artists’ works.
„Starptautiskā mākslas asociācija B13”. Rīga, Jāņa sēta, 1996
„Jānis Andris Osis. Pārnesumi III”. Rīga, Galerija Daugava, 2006