Where to go

Biruta Baumane 1922 2017
Landscape with a Church. 1965
Collection of the Talsi District Museum
One of the most outstanding Latvian painters of the 20th century. Graduated from the Department of Painting of the Art Academy of Latvia (1948). Worked in all genres of painting; one of her favourite themes – Latvian small-town landscape. Was a vivid personality, maintained friendship with the Talsi Artists Group, holding plein-airs together by the Kurzeme seaside and in Pedvāle. Landscape with a Church is a preliminary sketch for Baumane’s iconic painting The Big Hour (1967).
Aija Nodieva “Dzīves krāsas”. Rīga, 1991
“Biruta Baumane: Glezniecība”. Galerija “Daugava”, Rīga, 2010
“Biruta Baumane “Es dzīvoju”. Likteņstāsti, Rīga, 1995